Posts tagged with: homepathic


Silver amalgam dental fillings are actually only 35% silver.  50% or more of the amalgam is mercury – which is the 2nd most toxic metal on this planet, and the most toxic non-radioactive metal.  The manifestations of chronic low-grade mercury...
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1.  As soon as you start having symptoms of catching something, drop a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into each ear canal, allowing the bubbling to subside (usually 5 – 10 minutes) in one ear and letting it drain...
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What might migraines, anxiety, depression, backache, stomach or abdominal pain, food cravings and chronic fatigue have in common?  All of these symptoms may be at least in part allergic reactions – often to commonly eaten foods. Infants and children more...
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Is there any food you just can’t seem to get enough of? If you know it’s in the house, you keep getting pulled back into the kitchen for a little bit more – until you’ve polished it off. And even...
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