Posts tagged with: detox


Throughout this rejuvenating body cleanse, all food should be fresh and organically grown, if possible.  During this program, we are off caffeine (coffee, tea, cola and chocolate), alcohol, refined sugar and flour products, margarine and other hydrogenated oils, preservatives and...
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The goals of this 3 week Spring Detox program: 1) Support the liver – the body’s detoxifier – in its natural cleansing process after the winter season.  The spring season provides baby bitter greens to cleanse and rejuvenate the liver,...
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Mix or blend the following ingredients: 3 tablespoons of highest quality organic olive oil.  (If you have chronic liver problems, or if your gall bladder has been removed, use only 1 tablespoon.) The juice of 1 organic lemon. 1 to...
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Intentional fasting has been practiced in practically all cultures, with accounts of Christ, Buddha, Moses, Mohammed, and countless others undergoing long water fasts for spiritual as well as physical benefit.  Hippocrates (the father of Western medicine), Socrates and Plato advocated...
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The following baths help in the removal of environmental toxins, heavy metals and radiation, all of which can be a low-grade and continuous drain on the immune system and general body functioning.  The baths are best taken before bedtime. For...
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